This blog is free to post on by anyone, so to all my friends, feel free to drop in and say Hi! ^_^ Also please disregard any randomness, chances are, no harm will come to you....maybe.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Something To Think About

What is change really? Change is happening every day. It never slows down, never takes time to stop and smell the roses. Each passing day is another day closer to the rest of my life. Sometimes i feel like I'm losing some old friends as I make new ones all the time. College is staring me in the face, but I do all I can to avoid it's gaze. In one short year, I'll be graduating, and what will become of me? I leave my precious friends and my valued family behind as I go out to make a name for myself in this chaos-ridden world, and frankly I want to know: what happens if I fail? Who will I run to when it all falls down? The world is moving at a super-fast speed, and I wonder if I can catch it. To all my friends, I can't tell you how much I love being around you all, and I'd do anything and everything for you. Please, as time passes us by, stay in touch and let me bear witness as your lives change along with mine. To my family, i cant thank you enough for everything you do for me and for all the love you've shown me. This is not meant to be a "sad" post, but a thoughtful post. Haven't we all felt this at one point? The shadows of the future creep up on us, but are we able to match them? There is so much we don't know about ourselves, and so much to look forward to. I myself am not sad as i type this, but more...afraid. I fear i will be lost in the time stream so to say. I need my friends and family all around me now, because I want to find my own way home so to say, and I can't do it alone.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spriiiiiiing Break!

Well I'm finally deciding to take the initiative to get blogger back up and running. With the change in semester and all that crap that went on for awhile I lost a lot of interest. Anyways, here I am again. Spring breaks going ok i suppose been hanging out with the boar, Reggie. He's awesome to have around, helps bat off the lonely feeling that seems to haunt me for no reason as of late. We've worked hard at moving everything in, and its really coming together.

Anyways since my last update, my mom and I have moved in with my grandparents to help them overcome my aunt's death, and Reg moved into our old house. Its a really nice setup, and i love the new house. I lived with my grandparents until i was 15, and now that I'm back with them, I feel like im truly home again. This new home is all I could ever ask for. I think this move was for the best.

School's going fairly well Ms. Blevins' class has got to be the most awesome class i've ever been in. I'd easily spend all day in there if they'd let me..... Pre-Caculus is well the devil, but i'm leaving that there. History is going well, and Mr. Land is ok to talk to. Finally the Criminal Justice class, which is boring as hell, led to a surprising new friendship. Contrary to my misconceptions, he's not early as bad as his dumbarse mooch friend Chris, even though he is very elitist at times -_-

Another big thing was my first and second concerts! On March 16, mom and I seen Daughtry and Bon Jovi LIVE in Greensboro. THEY ROCKED MY FACE!!!! Daughtry was a bit hard to understand but his music ROCKED nonetheless. But Bon Jovi...heh those boys ROCKED THE HOUSE! 2 solid hours of musical brilliance...hell yeah. To make it even better we had 27th row floor seating.. The seconf concert was Def Leppard with REO Speedwagon and Styx. FOr guys in their 50s these boys kicked arse. REO sang great, but Styx and Def Leppard...shoot. The friggin keyboardist STOOD on the keyboard in Come Sail Away after the part was over and sang! Def Leppard came out on a catwalk in the audiance and I got to touch Joe Elliot (Lead vocals) and Phil Collen's hands lol 11th row seating babay....friggin awesome

Thats about all the important stuff thats happened, so on to the useless trivial junk lol. After floods of blood, sweat, and tears, (well maybe not blood), I have finally BEATEN a tier on hard mode in Guitar Hero, and get this 3 songs on EXPERT!! Heck friggin yessss. Also World of Warcraft is beginning to bore the ever living hell outta me. Even with the release of the Sunwell patch, i'm bored. I made a new class - the rogue - to help keep my interest, and its doing a semi-good job lol. I even made a private server but that got boring after the first 2 hours....nothing at all to do. With that said I think it's time Rosenkreux got a shiny new PSP to play FF7 CRISIS COOOORE. lol

Well, with all that said, time to sign off for the night. Going bowling with the gang tommorrow morning and i gotta be ready for that boar with his mean throw..... heh Well more to come as the blog lives again. Leave some comments. Adieu,