This blog is free to post on by anyone, so to all my friends, feel free to drop in and say Hi! ^_^ Also please disregard any randomness, chances are, no harm will come to you....maybe.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Storms of Life

Sometimes life throws some rough stuff st us, and often there is nothing we can do about it. I want to take a minute to tell everyone that has a chance to read this blog, to reflect on your life this christmas, and be thankful for all that you have. Some may be better off that others, or whatever. For me, my aunt is in the hospital and might not make it out, my Dad has a new child from his new wife, and the girl i loved and still do had ended our relationship. Grief, anger, sorrow, and despair do nothing to help us in life and only tear us down. Especially at this time of year, when we need to stick together, and let everyone we know and love how much we care. This post goes out to all my loved ones, my friends Reggie, Patrick, Paige, Ann, Bobby, my family, who have been so wonderful through all this mess, my teachers, Mr. Noblitt and Ms. Blevins, and my ex-girlfriend Mandy, who i still love, but will get over someday. You have all been candles in my window in this cold dark winter's storm. You are all my support, and I thank god for everyone of you each passing day, and i dont know where i would be without each and everyone of you. I implore you all and others to read this post and let all those close to you know how much you care. Finally, if you see this post please respond and give me your thoughts. This post is dedicated to all the wonderful people that help to make my life worth living. Thank you all so much for everything you do.

Sincerely Yours,
-David P. Rollick (Rosenkreuz)


darkshadow01052 said...

Wow. my head is blank after reading this. yes we do need to stick together.

Gastonwxman said...

My life so far has been difficult. Back in the summer, like David, I had lost the young woman that I loved the most with all of my soul. She meant a lot to me in life, and was like a golden angel that was there to cheer me up on my bad days. Luckily (And I hope I'm right), we are getting back together now.

Another terrible thing that happened in my life was when I ended up having a part-time job in August. I did not want to work there because I had no knowledge about car parts or how to fix them. Although I managed to pick up on what to do down there, as well as making money, I still wish that I didn't have to go there. It has taught me how to have responsibility and it's allowing me to spend the money I make on whatever I want. However, it still means that I don't get to hang with my friends over the weekend or relax after a hard school week.

In spite of those things, I ha that keeps my life from going completely terrible...My great friends (David, Patrick, Ann, Bobby), even my teachers Mr. Noblitt and Ms. Blevins, my love Kerri, and of course, my family. I thank all of y'all for being here. It fills me with joy to know that I have people who care about me even in the darkest times.

I am also thankful for God for my continuation of my life. He has pulled me through many tough things in my life, like my relationship with Kerri, which became hard to establish at first, but then it naturally occurred. The times that something terrible has happened in my family, I pray that he or she will be okay.

We all go through so much trouble in our lives that we can't keep up with the number of times that it has happened. The things that we should always remember is to keep striving for what we want to achieve for our goals, and to keep a positive attitude. All of us will have more obstacles as we continue to grow, but if you would just believe of being capable to overcome them, you will feel proud of yourself. I know I have after all of the mess that I have went throughout my life.

I hope that everyone on here finds what they want in their future. May this upcoming Christmas be your best one yet. Like I said, continue on with your life. Don't let the negatives stop you in the process. It is only a matter of time before you have to act quickly, or else you will have regret later on. Again, I thank all of my good friends for being here. ^_^

As a special message for David: Like the above says, continue on with your life. You know that you have your friends here to be there for ya. Maybe, if you truly believe, things will turn out better again in the future between you and Mandy like how my issue did. Just give it time. Never be afraid to tell us what's bothering you. That's what we're here for; to make things better. ;)

- Reggie Curry (Killer)

Paige said...

Hey I'm sure that everything will turn out okay for your aunt, she will be in my thoughts.. I'm sorry about what happened between u and Mandy, and like you said over time things will get easier.... It's late n I will post some more later on.

Masterhuskie said...

Ok first reggie that was the best post (and longest0 i think i have ever read from u. Second David i have an uncle who has heart disease. He smokes, drinks like a horse, and has the most horrible eating habits i have ever seen. So far the count is 6 heart attacks and 1 stroke but im afraid that that is only going to get worse.

I have had some rough times in my life. When i was younger and more foolish, i believed that everyone was dumber than me. i had a bad attitude toward everyone and acted like they were below me.Stange thing was that if any of em had been my friend i would have done alll i could for em but people didnt see me that way. Finally i had to pretend to be sick to get out of school because people were threatning (and sometimes followed through with) beating me up. it got to the point that when i would go to school i would be hit in some way from people walking down the hall. Although in retrospect this allowed me to get the skill of walking, reading, and not bumping into people i still wish i hadnt gone through that. I have briefly descriped these events without going into detail (and i hope u can see why). It is also why i love playing the dumby!

Best wishes to ur aunt david i have 4 right now and i know how much pain u must be going through over her (girlfriends i cant help with i was dead to most of that pain when i moved)

Masterhuskie said...

Ok first reggie that was the best post (and longest0 i think i have ever read from u. Second David i have an uncle who has heart disease. He smokes, drinks like a horse, and has the most horrible eating habits i have ever seen. So far the count is 6 heart attacks and 1 stroke but im afraid that that is only going to get worse.

I have had some rough times in my life. When i was younger and more foolish, i believed that everyone was dumber than me. i had a bad attitude toward everyone and acted like they were below me.Stange thing was that if any of em had been my friend i would have done alll i could for em but people didnt see me that way. Finally i had to pretend to be sick to get out of school because people were threatning (and sometimes followed through with) beating me up. it got to the point that when i would go to school i would be hit in some way from people walking down the hall. Although in retrospect this allowed me to get the skill of walking, reading, and not bumping into people i still wish i hadnt gone through that. I have briefly descriped these events without going into detail (and i hope u can see why). It is also why i love playing the dumby!

Best wishes to ur aunt david i have 4 right now and i know how much pain u must be going through over her (girlfriends i cant help with i was dead to most of that pain when i moved)

Blaze said...

I want to say first off that I'm very touched by your words, David (and you too, Reggie). I am an only child and you two (and Zac, although to a much lesser extent now that he's moved away to his mom's) have been like brothers to me. Thank you for being there when I needed it, for laughing at my pathetic jokes, and for helping me through the times that just get you down. I can only imagine what it would be like to have the girl you love leave you. I hope I never have to go through that, because I don't think I'd be able to be as calm as you seem to be (you have to be reeling on the inside though). I have lost someone close to me, my adopted 'Paw Paw' who died years ago, long before I met any of you (excepting Zac, and I'm sure he can attest that I was bent out of shape over that). If your aunt doesn't make it, know that we're here for you to help you through it.

Altogether, this has made me realize that I'm lucky to have a girlfriend that loves me as much as Ann does, lucky to have family that's in good health, and lucky to have friends as good as you guys (that's all of you, from Ann to Zac [sorry for the bad echo of the vitamin commercials]). There's my input on this subject.

- Patrick Long (Blaze)

PeanutButter said...

Everything is relative to our perspective and experiences. Grief and sorrow fade with time and space, anger only grows if you feed it, and despair is exorcized with something bigger than yourself: faith, friendship and new challenges. "I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing"(Agatha Christie). My experience tells me that the Lord will not give you anything that you cannot handle. We grow and thrive by our meaningful relationships with other people. "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

ashleyd said...

Its true that life can throw some rough stuff as us but the best thing to do is to stay positive and everything will work out.
I'm truely touched by this post and your aunt is definitly in my prayers =D
sorry about u and ur gf but things will get easier over time =]
having ur friends there for you is the most important thing and obviously they are =D
this kinda stuff makes u stronger (even though that sounds a little cliche lol)

Best wishes!!!
- Ashley

Desert said...

Aw man, David, that made me sad.

I know how you feel, man. A few years ago (I haven't and probably never will get fully over it) my maternal grandparents got sick and died, both from different types of cancer. My whole family was in a state of funk for several months after that.

And, more currently, my parents divorced (they've been so for at least a year, though until a few months ago my sister and I only knew they'd been separated. Needless to say we were miffed at not being told) and my mom has a new boyfriend, which is a lot for me to get used to. Partly because my grades have been slipping and likely partly to help me get through this, my mom has been making me to see a shrink every Saturday or so. (I dislike telling this around, you understand)

Since I haven't (thankfully) had to go through a break-up and hopefully won't for a while I can't say I understand all of it, but I can understand the crap of having close family in the hospital.

I'm so sorry about all this, and I hope you don't get too torn up. You're too nice. You're my friend, a good friend, and I really dislike my friends to be sad and such.

My phone number is 704-866-9151 if you wanna call and just unload. I'm willing to listen. I'm good at that. Please, if you want/need to rant, rant at me. It's better to rant at someone than no one.

KDC said...

Hey David,

You don't know me, but you know me by proxy. I'm Ann's big sister Kate and I live in Chapel Hill right now, but my heart is frequently back in Gastonia with Ann and our family. I read Ann's latest post and saw the link to your blog. I want you to know that even though we don't know each other, my heart goes out to you and just know that you and Ann and everyone else are in my thoughts. Any friend of Ann's is a friend of mine. I hope we can meet someday.